Hot & Cold Water Plumbing System
Hot and cold water plumbing system ensures water delivered to the designated appliances for their purpose or usage. We offer wide range of plumbing installation, including pumpsets, storage tank, water filter, heat pump and water heater, to suit your budget and specification.
Sanitary Plumbing System
We provide experienced and skilled resources to build sanitary plumbing system that completed with soil, waste and vent pipe to remove waste from plumbing fixtures to external sewerage reticulation system.
Water Reticulation System
Water reticulation system distributes water to buildings after treated by local water supply company. Yeo Plumber SB is well equipped to handle any size of water reticulation pipework as well as liaise with local authority for water meter application.
Sewerage Reticulation System
We offer you a team of expert builder to construct sewerage reticulation system that interconnected manholes and inspection chambers to discharge the sewer from the building to the point of disposal.
Rainwater Harvesting & Filtration System
In accordance of sustainable water management, we provide installation of rainwater harvesting and filtration system as an alternative solution, in which the rainwater is collected and filtered for, mainly but not limited to, toilet flushing and irrigation purpose.
Sewage Treatment Plant
Sewage treatment plant treats the sewer water by removing excess oil and grease, suspended solids and biodegradable organic. We help to construct the treatment plant to meet your needs.